Hurt Worse

She asked me if I was planning to stay for supper.

She told me Pop would be home in about an hour, so it would a good idea for me to go down to the employment office.

That way, she said, I would have something to talk about at the table besides jail.

I saw she wasn’t asking. I started to get mad.

I’d only just been released.

I didn’t exactly expect a hero’s welcome, but her to start in nagging?

But when I looked into her face I saw something else.

It was fear.

That hurt worse than anything.


Friday Fictioneers


7 thoughts on “Hurt Worse

  1. It wouldn’t be easy coming home after being in jail. Or, to have your child arrive home from jail and not know what to talk about but feeling the heavy weight of the elephant in the room. Your take evoked all of these things and more. Feel sorry for them all and hope they can make a fresh start.
    Best wishes,

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