Her favorite stories were full of wishes granted. A girl was lost in the forest and met a creature in distress. A dwarf or a fairy. The girl would do the creature a kindness because she had a good heart.
Because she expected nothing in return, the creature would reward her with wishes. She would be a princess, or her mother would be healed.
She walked through the clearcut, ran her finger across the stumps. She wished for wishes, but this ragged field was no forest. There were no creatures of any kind.
Besides, she would always expect wishes in return.
“If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.”
She’s apparently kissed too many self-absorbed frogs. Ribbet!
Just shows you have to be careful what you wish for!
Susan A Eames at
Travel, Fiction and Photos
I like that story, with its cautionary note that those who make reciprocity the basis of their lives will seldom be delighted by the generosity of others. Fluently, clearly and picturesquely written, Randy.
This in a way is a sad tale, a gift should never be made with strings.
Perhaps she should try wishing upon a star next tme. You never know!
Click to read my FriFic!
Perhaps she will find more wishes when new seedlings and saplings begin to sprout. I hope so.
If only she believed in wishes with no strings attached!
Pretending, imagination, mixed with children is a wonderful thing. Child like faith is even better.