The owner is a moron. Hello, it’s SUNDAY. One barista isn’t going to cut it, especially when Josh half-assed his close last night because he was in an all-fired hurry to meet up with his loser friends to get high and see the same lame laser show the planetarium’s been showing since my dad was in high school. Fucking Pink Floyd.
And of course I’m totally slammed. Haven’t even unwrapped the first bakery tray when the line forms outside. Plus, it’s raining, so I have to unlock the door. The first guy did carry in the stack of Sunday Times.
Methinks understaffed is an understatement. And the customers are going to be underjoyed by an undersupply of pastries. Still, the Sunday Times may help minimise violent overreactions.
You’ve probably delivered an accurate description of what’s happening in our coffee shops at this time.
Been there and it is no fun!
Understaffed is never any fun. It just gets stressful and worse as the day goes on.
Wow, flashbacks to several former jobs. Of course, the work would have been so much easier if not for all of those terrible customers.
Not sure the staffing is the only problem… The man carrying the papers might be looking for a job. Sounds like the most responsible in the barista.