“Got the last box packed. Where’d you get the flowers?”
“They were on the porch. No card.”
“You think they’re from him?”
“Duh. Who else?”
“Doesn’t he know we’re moving?”
“Probably. You didn’t hear anything? He didn’t ring the bell or nothing?”
“Maybe. The tape gun makes a lot of noise.”
The girl unboxed the two bouquets and carefully arranged them on the table.
“There. A nice surprise for mom when she gets home.”
“Who you gonna say they’re from?”
“Us, naturally.”
“No way she buys that bullshit. She’ll scream and throw them out.”
“I want her to see them.”
The title tells the story.
Ooh mysterious.. interesting take!
Dad’s been a naughty boy. No wonder their mom’s gonna be pissed off. Loved the title of the story 😀
Please click to read my FriFic entry
Wow. Don’t hold back. Tell us how you really feel. 😀
Oy. Lots of possibilities here. Nice tension.
Something tells me this bag of excrement is pretty foul.. Delightfully different!
Click to read my FriFic
Lucky woman to have daughters like that.
Little brats.
I wasn’t sure from the title what this one was going to be about!!!
Good stuff…
Unrestrained, and raw, and obnoxious smelling. What flash fiction.