Joe was head down at his desk, working away with his Barlow while the teacher’s back was turned.
It was amazing to see how the knife knew where to go, tracing the outlines of the face and making it seem to rise up out of the maple board. He glanced up. Mrs. Withers was still scratching away at the blackboard with her chalk.
Joe brushed away the shavings. It looked like his mother, or would if he could just get the eyes right. He bent close to study it.
“Joseph Bily!” Mrs. Withers slapped her ruler hard on the desk.
Oops! Busted!
Sounds like a real talent – though probably best pursued at home. Interesting take.
I wonder what Mrs W thought of his creation. Nice one.
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I find the eyes the hardest, too. Nice one.
So many school decks in my day got carved one way or another, but I suspect Joes was the best carved.
Interesting, great take on the prompt.
Art, graffiti, vandalism I hope the teacher beholds art.
Great take on the prompt, including Joseph Bily! Nicely written, too. You get the pace just right. The passage “Joe brushed away the shavings. It looked like his mother, or would if he could just get the eyes right. He bent close to study it.” is sufficiently intriguing that I lost myself in thought, only to be brought up short by the slap of Mrs Wither’s ruler on the desk! Good job!