‘Behold, I will save My people from the land of the east
And from the land of the west;
I will bring them back,
And they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem.
They shall be My people
And I will be their God,
In truth and righteousness.’
– Zechariah 8:7
“This place ain’t what I was expecting.”
“Which was exactly what?”
“Well, you know. Like in the Ten Commandments.”
“The movie?”
“Yeah. I wasn’t expecting there to be no cars here. And the people are different that I thought they’d be.”
“Different how?”
“Darker-skinned. More foreign-looking.”
“The people live here are mostly Jews.”
“Yeah, but I thought they’d be different. The people Pastor showed in his book us were more like us. And another thing…”
“Dear Lord. What?”
“Well, they ain’t all that friendly. I was expecting them to be happy we’re here. After all, we’re here to help them.”
Unfortunately this is far too near the truth. Well told.
Interesting take. And although I’ve never been there, the stories I hear from those who have would bear our the truth of your story.
This is what happens when you get your theology from movies and Sunday School coloring books!