“See?” she said. “Winter’s not so bad. I bet they’re selling cider at those stands. Want some cider, Randy?”
“He’s bored, Jeannie. Rather be in his room playing that goddamned game. Am I right?” He hugged the boy’s shoulder in a fatherly way. “Man up, Randy. You don’t get to do what you want every single moment of the day.”
“You say that every single moment of the day,” Randy said. “I don’t know why you can’t let me do my own thing.”
“Family time,” said his mother. “You and me and Dad.”
“He’s not my fucking dad,” said Randy.
A common situation well describes, saw this happen to many times in RL. I enjoyed your story.
Standard dysfunctional family unit, well described.
Oh! Didn’t expect that last line. But, yes, it’s a fact of life these days isn’t it? Well done!
“Daddy” is showing Randy “I don’t want to be with you either” all the time- and you have shown that without telling the readers directly . Well crafted story.
Ouch. And double, tripple ouch. No quality family time here!
Kids eh? Who’d have ’em.
Rosey Pinkerton’s blog
Slice of life. Well done, Randy.
Oh yeah…been there…heard that. lol
aaah brings back memories of my teenage years – not the language though; I’d have been grounded for life
Great story
Ha! Kids. Amirite?
Right on! And it moved away from the prompt subtly into its own story.
Ouch !!!! Am sure that would have hurt… Bad..