
Oh he don’t look like much, Birdy, with them cross-eye glasses and orthopedic boots, but I tell you that kid is worth more than his weight in silver dollars. You put that crook-face boy up on a ladder and he can tell you the layout of everything in the room worth a pickled cent. Jewelry, TV, watches… that stuff is all easy. He can spot a wall safe, or a closet strongbox. He can tell you whether the woman of the house is a light sleeper, whether the man has an in-town girl he sees.

Oh yes, Birdy. He’s gold.


Friday Fictioneers

8 thoughts on “Birdy

  1. Poor Birdy. Exploited.
    And poor those who fall under his gaze. And under the hands of the manipulator who uses everyone to his own advantage.
    Well done, though!

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