Sure, blame me. I done the safety check like I was supposed to. What am I going to say to the crew chief? That them chains look like they were used to yank stumps, all stretched out and bendy? You think he would have done anything but fire me on the spot?
Do I look like I can find a job that easy?
Look, the way Parker Amusements runs things, something like this was bound to happen. Ask anyone here. They’ll tell you the Zipper’s bolts are half rusted through, that the Tilt is falling apart.
But ask in private.
That’s great. Authentic and scary!
Vice voice and a lot said in 100.
That’s the industry in a nutshell. Well portrayed.
Unfortunately, very true of a lot of industries. Well said.
Short and decisive. Good take on the prompt. I enjoyed reading the story.
That’s the scariest story of the day – without any serial killers and blood…Nicely done.
Oh dear – and probably far too true for comfort.
*shudder* – That is scarier than some abduction story!!
And if you get near enough to one of the ride operators in one of those carnivals that travels from place to place, you’ll smell booze on them. Yet we trust them with our lives.
Nicely done.