Uncle Eddie


Dan’s Uncle Eddie set down his empty quart of bourbon and grinned around the fire at us boys. He jammed his hand into his pocket and produced a fistful of .45 cartridges.

“Guess how many I got here,” he said. “Go on.”

Jim guessed twenty, Dan eighteen. I said thirteen.

”Well, let’s see who’s right,”  he said. He got to his feet, swayed a moment, then hurled the bullets into the fire. “Make sure you count all of ‘em.”

He walked into the darkness to his tent.

We sat stunned for a moment, disbelieving, then jumped up and dove for cover.

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13 thoughts on “Uncle Eddie

  1. I story that reminds me of bonfire night, and putting fireworks in tin cans in the bonefire. Jumping jack flash I like this story.

  2. what a mentalist! we used to put conkers in nearly empty cans of purple paint, seal the can back up throw it in the fire and watch the paint and conkers explode under the pressure! I was about 12 and not an insane uncle!! good stuff

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