Desecrating Shabbat

The pool was the main reason Sy had moved into the building. Dr. Schwartz prescribed daily exercise, and what was better than swimming? Get the heart racing without punishing the old bones. Best of all, the time to unwind and think.

Only it wasn’t like that. The pool was always full of these strapping young goys who swam laps as though masturbating in public.

The only time Sy knew with certainty the pool would be empty was Friday night at nine when they were out engaging in mating rituals.

Sy tried to keep Shabbat by praying, but sometimes he forgot.

Friday Fictioneers

4 thoughts on “Desecrating Shabbat

  1. Too bad Sy was not able to swim, an activity he so wanted to do. Swimming on a Friday evening should work. His god will understand, swimming is no work.

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